What should I charge for rotational grazing?

We graze cattle for a farmer friend (who is probably reading this) every summer. In the past we have charged 65 to 75 cents per head per day. However, I know that for “custom grazing” farmers can charge from $1.50 to $2.00 a day per head. One the one hand, we do custom grazing because we move the fences and the cattle every day. On the other, he is just looking for pasture, and it needs to be affordable. What have others charged for pasturing cattle, whether rotational grazing or not?

I have custom grazed several hundred yearling steers and heifers for several years. I also manage the local community pasture. All of the cattle are intensively rotationally grazed. There is no price difference charged for rotationally grazed vs set stocked custom grazing. Some of the price differences in contracts are reflected in which party is responsible for certain inputs. (Tags, salt, mineral, doctoring etc.). The going rate for yearlings is in the .65 to 1.00 per day range. Also depends on the grazers ability to put Lbs. on the cattle. A yearling is roughly 1/2 the weight of a cow/calf pair so the rate for cows and calves is 1.50 to 2.00 dollars per day. The most important part of any grazing agreement is the relationship not the price.
Hope that helps,

That is extremely helpful and explains the large differences in price that I was hearing from other sources. We graze yearlings. And you are right, the relationship is the crucial part of the arrangement!
