Looking for natural sources of gypsum, calcitic lime and boron near Beamsville area

Hi, all!

Well, we just finished having our soil assessed and it is in really good shape overall. We have recommendations from our consultant to add some gypsum, calcitic lime and boron to address some of the areas of concern. So, I’m looking for natural sources for gypsum, calcitic lime and boron (as opposed to chemically synthesized) that are close to me. I’ve found two good sources for the three components in Ancaster. N. M. Bartlett is local to us but I’m not sure if their products are chemically synthesized or not. If anyone can recommend some sources, that would be really helpful. Thanks!

Gypsum and Calcitic Lime are typically mined product. If you would like virgin gypsum and not recycled gypsum, you will have to get it out of Michigan. Many sources for Calcitic lime in Ontario. Russ Anderson from Anderson Lime can help you on both.

Boron, require more information on restrictions and soil vs foliar application.

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Thanks, @jbcagri. I was also referred to Russ Anderson so I’ll check them out. I also know that Plant Products has some stuff as well.