Hello fellow forum members!
We would love to hear from you about how your experience with the forum has been so far! So please feel free to reply to this topic with your comments, feature requests, and suggestions.
Lastly, here is some news about the forum:
- We now have about 150 active members using the forum!
- Reply-by-email will soon be enabled so that when you get notifications of topic replies by email, you’ll be able to reply to that topic right from your email app/software/site without having to log into the forum.
- We’ve had some email issues lately where digests weren’t being sent, but those have been fixed. (Let us know if you’re still not getting the digest)
- There was a bug in our code that wouldn’t let forum members access their preferences, this has been fixed.
- We’ll be posting tips on a regular schedule on how to use the forum, so keep an eye out for those so you can make the most out of this community!