7/8 Kune Kune "homestead" piglets for sale

We have thoroughly enjoyed having these docile, friendly, grazing/orchard pigs on our mixed ecological farm. Raised outdoors, rotationally pastured, fed small amounts of organic grain and very used to visitors. We have a litter out of our purebred Kune Kune boar and our 3/4 Kune Kune 1/4 Lg Black sow, born early April 2018. Three gilts at $400 OBO each (1 red, 1 black, 1 spotted – first two with wattles), and one intact boarling at $300 OBO (red with wattles). We would love to see more small farms incorporating these wonderful pigs as “workers” and sources of low-input, small-scale pork production. We will have unrelated purebred Kune Kune piglets available next season if you’d like a breeding pair.